Send Messages (MT)
The ability to easily send Messages to Devices without needing to know the minutia of each protocol is a compelling benefit of the platform. The platform exposes a number of endpoints for this purpose, depending on the protocol the Device utilises.
SBD Message (RockBLOCK or 9602/9603)
The RockBLOCK doesn't have any inherent protocol; you can send any payload (up to a maximum of 270 bytes).
- Cloudloop Thing Identifier for Devicemesssage
- Base16 (Hex) encoded payload you wish to send
Example (Sending Hello World
to Thing):
Endpoint: Data/DoSendSbdMessage
IMT Message (RockREMOTE)
The RockREMOTE supports both "RAW" IMT messages as well as IoT Gateway Messages; you can send any payload (up to a maximum of 100 kilobytes).
- Cloudloop Thing Identifier for Devicemesssage
- Base64 encoded payload you wish to send
Example (Sending Hello World
to Thing):
Endpoint: Data/DoSendImtMessage
Checking IMT Delivery Status
The deliver status of IMT MT messages can be checked with the Get MT delivery status endpoint. This will inform whether the device has acknowledged receiving the message corresponding to the data message record provided.
- Identifier of the message you wish to check
Endpoint: Data/GetMtDeliveryStatus
P6 Message (RockSTAR, RockFLEET or RockAIR)
As defined by the P6 Protocol use the following endpoint to send Messages to Tracking Devices.
- Cloudloop Thing Identifier for Devicep6
- JSON EncodedP6MtMessage
Example (Sending Hello
to screen of Thing):
Data/DoSendP6Message?thing=XXX&p6={"type": "MT_MESSAGE_TEXT", "textMessage":{"message": "Hello"}}
Endpoint: Data/DoSendP6Message
IoT Gateway Message (RockREMOTE)
**As defined by the IoT Gateway protocol use the following endpoint to send IoT Messages to Devices **
- Cloudloop Thing Identifier for Deviceiot
- JSON EncodedIoTMessage
Example (Publishing Hello World
to topic this/is/my/topic
on Thing):
Data/DoSendIotMessage?thing=XXX&iot={"topic": "hello/world", "message":"SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ="}
Endpoint: Data/DoSendIotMessage
CDM Message (RockREMOTE)
- Cloudloop Thing Identifier for Deviceceefax
- JSON EncodedCeefaxMessage
Example (Send Restart command to Thing):
Data/DoSendCeefaxMessage?thing=XXX&ceefax={"message":[{"rebootRequest": {}}]}
**Endpoint: ** Data/DoSendCeefaxMessage
Edge Solar Message (Iridium Edge Solar)
As defined by the IES Protocol use the following endpoint to send Messages to Iridium Edge Solar devices.
- Cloudloop Thing Identifier for Deviceies
- JSON EncodedIridiumEdgeSolarMessage
Example (Send location command to Thing):
Data/DoSendEdgeSolarMessage?thing=XXX&ies={"sendLocation": {}}
**Endpoint: ** Data/DoSendEdgeSolarMessage