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Direction: MO

Third-Party open-source IoT platform for data collection, processing, visualization, and device management.

For more information:

  • Host Name - Where ThingsBoard is hosted; default:
  • Access Token - Authentication details for ThingsBoard - e.g. z3fIvHi3cudj8DHUQDAN
  • Format - How Messages are sent to Thingsboard
    • Lingo - LingoMO (JSON)
    • Message - Just the transmitted message payload


Upon receipt of Messages, the platform will relay the message across to ThingsBoard in the format as prescribed.


ThingsBoard is available as both a cloud-hosted service; as well as an open-source application that you can install within your own environment. These are the key steps required to utilise the cloud-hosted service:

Within ThingsBoard:

  1. From the main menu: Entities > Devices
  2. Add Device [ + ]
  3. Select Add New Device from the sub-menu
  4. Click Next Credentials
  5. Copy Access Token (e.g. z3fIvHi3cudj8DHUQDAN)

Within Cloudloop:

  1. Create new ThingsBoard destination
  2. Host Name =
  3. Access Token = [As copied on Step 5]
  4. Format = Message
  5. Send some data from your Device
  6. See it appear in ThingsBoard like magic