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Azure Storage

Direction: MO

This blob storage service provides flexible storage within Azure.

  • Connection String - Azure generated string for connecting to your Storage Account (e.g. DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=XXX;AccountKey=XXX;EndpointSuffix=XXX)
  • Container - Name of the container that messages should be uploaded to
  • Upload Mode - see Upload Modes for available options.
  • Prefix (Optional) - Additional prefix added to files uploaded
  • Extension (Optional) - Alternative file extension for "Payload" files

Naming Conventions

By default, Messages are uploaded to specified Bucket with the following naming convention:

  • Lingo - [MESSAGE ID].json
  • Payload - [MESSAGE ID].bin

Additionally, this can be customised further as per Prefix and Extension.

  • Lingo - [PREFIX][MESSAGE ID].json

Messages are automatically uploaded to the queue; as prescribed by LingoMO


Within your Azure portal, follow the following steps:

  • If required, create new "Resource Group"
  • If required, create new "Storage Account" associated to the resource group above
  • Under "Security + Networking" > "Access Keys" copy "Connection String" from "key1" - this is your Connection String
  • Under "Data Storage", create new "Container" - this is your Container